Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tonight is one of those nights that I've lost my temper and don't exactly feel like mother of the year, (not that I would ever go so far as to call myself that!). Sooooooo...I think I'll write about something that made me smile the other day. I was still in bed, pretending I didn't need to wake up, and the first conversation of the day I heard was:

Bug: (giggle) Dad, look at kitty! She was rolling over. (More enthusiastic laughing). She was going side to side. I hope she 'do s' it again!
Ryan: Maybe kitty should join cat gymnastics!

So I just laid in bed kind of giggling to myself at how the simplest things cause joy in the lives of kids, and how they are able (some) to wake up happy and not wake up feeling like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. I was also thinking about how easily Ryan connects with that playful side. He doesn't just tolerate their silliness and games, he joins in. Perhaps Heavenly Father drew us to each other for things like I can see an example of playfulness and lightness. Glad I married him. Glad I'm a mom of my girls (even if tonight wasn't a great example of that)!

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